Christmas Gift Set Launch - Chilli Heaven
We are really excited to announce our Christmas Gift Set / Hamper range for 2015. These are all carefully selected so that your gift has maximum WOW and YUM factor.
To start with, welcome to our FatJax Some Like It Hot Chilli Heaven Gift Hamper.
Presented in a contemporary wooden case this Fat Jax Chilli 'Some Like It Hot' hamper consists of:
Right Hot Chilli Relish
Scotch Bonnet Jelly
Chipotle Jam
Chipotle & Onion Chutney
Very Peri Peri Sauce
Proper Sweet Chilli Sauce
Hot Cajun Spice
Chipotle Chilli Flakes
Peri Peri Chilli Flakes
Birdseye Whole Chilli
Habanero Whole Chilli
Naga AKA the Ghost Chilli
PowderKick-Ass Strong Cheddar from Procter's Cheese
Chipotle Chilli Chocolate from Choc Amor
This is a must have for any chilli lover and looks fantastic.
You can buy one at
Please get in touch for details, we can create bespoke hampers to your own or corporate needs.
#RightHotChilliRelish #ProperSweetChilliSauce #HotCajunSpice #ChipotleChilliFlakes #PeriPeriChilliFlakes #BirdseyeWholeChilli #HabaneroWholeChilli #NagaAKAtheGhostChilli #PowderKickAssStrongCheddarfromProctersChees #ChipotleChilliChocolatefromChocAmor #ChipotleJam #ScotchBonnetJelly #ChipotleOnionChutney #VeryPeriPeriSauce #FatJax #FatJax #ChristmasGift #GrownUpGifts